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Computer World (Reviewed by DarkWave):

One word: Influence! Kraftwerk were The Beatles for electronic music, this album is crucial for any 80s electro lover. This album is simply awesome! A production tour de force with blanketing sound effects creating an environment compatible with the album's intended mirroring of a computer pervaded-society. Simply perfection! One of the best album of all-time!

1. Computer World
2. Pocket Calculator
3. Numbers
4. Computerworld..2
5. Computer Love
6. Home Computer
7. It's More Fun To Compute

Response to this review by xistenza: I absolutely agree. One of the best albums of all time! This alubm, and band as a whole, has influenced many music genres, from synthpop and industrial, to new wave and even pop. It's pure brilliance.

Response to this review by TopCat: I absolutely agree. One of the best albums of all time! This alubm, and band as a whole, has influenced many music genres, from synthpop and industrial, to new wave and even pop. It's pure brilliance.

Response to this review by SurlyOne: I absolutely agree. One of the best albums of all time! This alubm, and band as a whole, has influenced many music genres, from synthpop and industrial, to new wave and even pop. It's pure brilliance.

Response to this review by Flix: Great album from one of my all time favorite bands. Pocket Calculator and Numbers are Kraftwerk at their best.

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