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The Smiths

The Queen is Dead (Reviewed by DarkWave):

Not only one of the greatest alternative album ever made but simply of all time, The Queen is Dead demonstrate the talent of Johnny Marr and Morrissey to create incredible well written and powerful songs. "The Boy with the Thorn in His Side" and "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" are just a few to name from this fabulous album. By far, The Smith's greatest album, The Queen is Dead is now a classic of the 80s and an important album in alternative music history.
1. The Queen Is Dead / Take Me Back To Dear Old Blighty
2. Frankly, Mr. Shankly
3. I Know It's Over
4. Never Had No One Ever
5. Cemetry Gates
6. Bigmouth Strikes Again
7. The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
8. Vicar In A Tutu
9. There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
10. Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others

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